The Healthcare Associated Tuberculosis Infection Prevention Project in Zimbabwe (HATIPP-ZIM) in the 2ndof its anticipated 5 year project period. HATIPP-ZIM is a co-agreement (October 2016 to September 2021) supported by CDC under the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Grant No: NU2GGH001936-01-00. Its purpose is to support the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) in preventing healthcare associated tuberculosis infection in Zimbabwe.
IPC programmes
Strengthen existing IPC programmes & extending them to all HCF & into the community with a focus on TBIC
Strengthen pre-service awareness of risks of TB transmission among HCWs students during their training
TB screening
Develop a National HCW TB screening policy and strengthen HCW TB screening activities linked to the National wellness programme
Our Story
Within the consortium, BRTI and ICAZ led the implementation of strategic objectives 1 and 3 and strategic objective 2 was led by The Union. Because of the need to reduce costs at central level in Year 2 the roll-out of the HCW TB screening strategy was continued by the BRTI/ICAZ partnership with the local CDC office providing technical guidance on implementation and interpretation of PEPFAR policies and regulations to facilitate reporting. BRTI, the prime grantee was responsible for communications and reports to CDC and the focal department within the MOHCC, the Nursing Directorate. Though HATIPP-ZIM operates under the directorship and administratively within the policies and procedures of BRTI as a sustainability plan, the project also reported its activities to the National Infection Prevention and Control Committee (NIPCC) and its Technical Working Groups for implementation of HAI and TB reduction policies.
Overview of Activities to implement each strategy
Although in this revised strategy for Year 2 the main focus was put on Strategy 2 there were a few activities with a relatively small budget input that were continued in Strategy 1. These activities were considered important contributors to the reduction of risk of exposure to TB in health facilities and the Community and these included i) follow up visits to the meetings(to raise awareness of TB and TBIC issues and to support their community to access and adhere to treatment) that were held with Health Coordinators from Faith-based organisations organised in collaboration with Zimbabwe Association of Church Hospitals (ZACH) in Year 1, ii) distribution and showing the TB community video at clinics and hospitals in order to educate patients on TBIC issues.
Program Team
Prof. D. Katzenstein, MD.
Programme PI
Dr. S. Munyati, PhD
Programme Co-PI
Dr. J. Manasa, PhD
Programme Co-PI/Training coordinator
Ms. V. M. Pepukai, Msc
Programme Manager