
In accordance with requirements of the Act under which the BRTI is founded, there are no fees payable to Directors or Management Board members. Members of the Management Board may receive an allowance for attendance at meetings  & where possible an allowance for work carried out on specific activities or projects. Apart from these allowances, the members of the Board provide their time, expertise and energy entirely voluntarily.


The administration of research grants on behalf of local and international scientists. This includes, for example, taking responsibility for payments of salaries, income tax, medical insurance, pensions etc. of staff employed through a project. Office space is made available to projects administered through BRTI. The BRTI ensures prompt payment for equipment, reagents and supplies and arranges insurance cover. For this service, the BRTI normally charges an overhead of 10% of research costs, though this may be adjusted with the permission of the Management Board.


design and delivery of training courses

The design and delivery of training courses. As noted above, training courses have to be financially self-sustaining, through the imposition of a course fee. Included in this fee is the overhead charge for administrative support. Actual course fees vary depending on the duration of the course and the materials that are used. Laboratory courses, for example, are more expensive because of the reagents that are used. Again the fee is subject to negotiation, and allowances can be made under certain circumstances.


accommodation for delegates

In addition to courses, the BRTI also provides a service for organization and administration of conferences and workshops both large and small. This includes travel arrangements, accommodation for delegates, venue bookings, provision of audio-visual aids as well as bags, stationery and other promotional material. Again an overhead is charged for these services.


Individual projects

Financial accounts of individual projects, courses and conferences administered by BRTI can be provided at times agreed with investigators or sponsors of research. BRTI policy is that each project is allocated a separate bank account, so that regular reports and reconciliations can be prepared easily. In addition the BRTI produces audited accounts on an annual basis through an international firm of accountants. The BRTI uses Pastel for its accounting package, and the Finance Manager is responsible for the smooth operation of all accounts, with Finance Officers being assigned to specific projects to ensure consistency. Zimbabwe now uses a “basket” of international currencies for all financial transactions, and BRTI maintains accounts in commercial banks in US$ (the normal currency), UK Pound and Euro.

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