This Research Unit has a long history of conducting health research studies most of which are in collaboration with institutions in the sub-region, Europe and North America. The increasing collaboration in health research between industrialized and developing countries continues to cause concern regarding the potential for exploitation of human subjects in developing countries, especially in view of the ongoing need for clinical trials for anti-retroviral therapies & the treatment of opportunistic infections in resource limited settings.
Specifically, the objectives of the UnitĀ
In fulfilling its obligations, the Unit consults with the Research Council of Zimbabwe (RCZ), the body responsible for overseeing all research in Zimbabwe, the Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe (MRCZ), which hosts the National.
ethical conduct
To respond to the research needs in the ethical conduct and review of human subjects research in Southern Africa and provide evidence that can be used for policy development and planning
administrative capacity
To strengthen the administrative capacity of current and future ethical review committees to provide efficient, effective and timely review of research proposals
assist researchers
To assist researchers in ensuring that their studies accord with ethical research principles through the dissemination of guidelines on ethical issues in heath research to researchers
improve the awareness
To improve the awareness of researchers of good research practice through the production and dissemination of anĀ ethics handbook and regular electronic newsletter that highlights key issues in the conduct of ethical research
BRTI Institutional Review Board
Few studies have been conducted on the ethical conduct of clinical trials and therefore there is limited information and evidence that can be used to formulate plans and policies. Of particular concern is the lack of research initiated and conducted by researchers in the developing countries themselves. With the growth in international collaborative research, it is imperative that researchers from both developing and industrialized countries continually advance their understanding of their own perspectives on ethical review as well as the perspectives of their partners. This can be achieved by developing communication strategies that promote dialogue between researchers and ethics boards with a view to ensuring that both parties are responsive to the needs of each other.
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