
Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa (TESA) consortium which is a continuation of the TESA I, founded by a group on 9 institutions from 6 different under the phase 1 EDCTP framework. 

training and mentorship

Offering training and mentorship aimed at promoting professional development and scientific leadership in clinical trials.


Strengthening collaboration and optimize the use of resources and infrastructures within the network.

networking and dialogue

Encourage and promote networking and dialogue between researchers, communities and policy makers to maximize the impact of clinical research in Africa.

Our Story

This TESA I consortium aimed to build capacity and strengthen less established institutions, including infrastructure for conducting clinical trials in the fields of HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria, training and mentorship programs which ultimately would improve the capacity of clinical research among participant institutions. The TESA I network used the EDCTP funds to establish a management structure for research and finance management within the Southern African region. The network continued with a broad based approach to build and strengthen the clinical research capacity and infrastructure at each of the nine partner sites. The key success of the network lies in providing on-going short courses and training opportunities to hundreds of students and research personnel as well as mentorship and supervising of long term post doctorate, PhD and MSc/MPhil students and their engagement in one or multi-site baseline studies on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria.

Summary of activities achieved for the year per  work package TESA 2

Mechanisms for research coordination and knowledge exchange within Network established BRTI operational plan (OP), linked to the BRTI TESA II budget, has been developed and circulated to the TESA node. BRTI M&E log frame developed and circulated to the TESA node. Drs. Junior Mutsvangwa (TESA II PI) and Shungu Munyati (TESA II TA), attended the TESA II start up meeting in Maputo from the 30th  of October  to the 1st of  Nov 2017

Program Team

Prof. D. Katzenstein, MD.

Programme PI

Dr. S. Munyati, PhD

Programme Co-PI

Dr. J. Manasa, PhD

Programme Co-PI/Training coordinator

Ms. V. M. Pepukai, Msc

Programme Manager

capacity building

Interns identified as follows; 2 MSc (Vongai Mildred Pepukai and Alfred Makura) and 1 PhD (Katherine Zvinoera), who registered with local Universities.